Thursday, March 29, 2007


My youngest brother John was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in March 2007. To show my love and support for him as he battles the cancer with upcoming treatment, I decided to start Joggin' for John. I, along with my human and dog friends, will run in races to raise money to help cover his medical expenses. Anything left over will be donated for research to eradicate lymphoma &/or passed on to other deserving lymphoma fighters who may need a little financial support. In just a matter of days since just talking about this, I've received so much outpouring of support from friends and family that I'm happily overwhelmed.

Titan, my very large dog, and I pledge to run in a race for each month John receives chemotherapy. The first race will be the Atlanta Dog Jog on April 28th, 2007. (John's first chemo is on April 5th.) I invite others to participate even if you don't have a dog. Here's the link to get more info and register:

Additionally, t-shirts and doggie bandannas will be made. (Pictures and prices will be available in the near future.) I am currently seeking sponsors to fund the creation of the t-shirts, so if you own a business or think your employer would make a donation, I'll put their names/logos on the shirt. Any business that donates any amount will be put on there (I'll create multiple t-shirt designs if we run out of space, which would be great!). Just let me know what to put on the shirts. Thanks to my aunt Denise for donating the shirts!!!

To make your own donation, just click on the "MAKE A DONATION" link on the blog. I'll be posting the donation total, people who gave money, and sponsors. Donations are made securely through PayPal for any amount you choose. You don't need a PayPal account to donate. If you or a business do not want to donate through PayPal, just let me know and we'll make other arrangements.

So many friends and family have come up with great ideas on fundraising including personal & business donations, bar/restaurant sponsoring a fundraiser with a free concert, and a church donating a full service's offering/tithes. Please let me know if you have any other creative ideas!

Subscribe to this blog and it will automatically let you know of updates. There will be future postings with events, additional races, pictures, etc. Also, I ask that you send this blog link to all your friends, family and colleagues. I look forward to wearing out many pairs of running shoes over the next six months!


The Kitchen said...

You go gurrrl!

So proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Georgia's in the house! Best wishes to a speedy cancer annihilation!