Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here is a story that will tug at your heart strings.

Currently, a single mother in Monroe, GA is dying of cancer. She is 38 years old and has terminal ovarian cancer. It is my understanding they have stopped treatment at this time as the cancer has metastasized throughout. Her three children are struggling to deal with their mother's illness & wondering what will happen after she is gone. The 18 year old daughter has decided to take full responsibility and custody of her younger brother & sister, 8 & 11.
After telling my brother this story, we agreed this family would be perfect for Joggin' for John to sponsor. I will run in three races to raise money through the end of 2008. Since times have been tough with the economy, we will also accept food, clothes & utility donations. No direct cash will be given to them but rather it will be in the form of a gift card so they can buy groceries and other necessities. 100% of all donations will be presented to the family after each race. Please donate what you can, it is greatly needed!

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