Monday, September 10, 2007


So far so good. John's PET scan is clear, no more chemo, no more radiation, no more MD appointments for several months. His prognosis is fabulous... 90% chance of a CURE! As you can imagine I am ecstatic. John's feeling more like himself everyday, going to the gym and hiking again with Dad. My Dad's birthday was on September 7th and I know the best gift for him is John's recovery.
I am currently training for my "grand finale" race, the Atlanta half-marathon. My Dad hooked me up with where I created a personalized training schedule to prepare for the 13.1 miles on Thanksgiving day. The Atlanta Marathon is the oldest in the South and among the ten oldest in the US. 2007 will be the 46th year in existence.

Wish me luck, I need it!

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